The Beautiful Chaos of Southern Perú—Fantastical Landscapes and Pickled Lambs Hooves Await

The Beautiful Chaos of Southern Perú—Fantastical Landscapes and Pickled Lambs Hooves Await

Explore Perú and you will find a country hungry for attention and rich with sensory experiences. South Perú truly is a fantastical landscape of high altitude desert—the driest in the world, immense canyons—the second deepest in the world, Pacific coast, and dense jungle, but it takes a little courage to step out of your comfort zone to find it.

In the land of fairytales and bosomed barmen - Slovenia

In the land of fairytales and bosomed barmen - Slovenia

The jolly barman with large breasts sporting a red bikini merrily waved us in with a spatula as we nudged open the heavy wooden door to the bar. Laughter steamed the windows from the inside out on this chilly, early winter evening in Bled, Slovenia. The tiny bar was teeming with grimy, work-boot wearing men with missing teeth and large-bosomed, frolicsome women. 

The Heart and Soul of Carnevale di Venezia

The Heart and Soul of Carnevale di Venezia

The sound of music floats from the piazzas and down the streets. Masked people are dancing in the rain, umbrellas long forgotten, boots entirely drenched. Some have escaped the downpour to attend opulent balls and theatrical performances, but the real celebration is here, in the streets where the heart of Carnevale beats among the thousands of revelers.

Earthquakes and Head Lice in Santiago

Earthquakes and Head Lice in Santiago

Encapsulated in cave-like darkness, La Piojera seems to suspends you in time, not just because after two terremotos you feel as if you are experiencing the very thing the drinks are named for, but because it is a place where making friends is as easy as breathing, and set away from the clamor of the city you can forget any and all responsibilities of life.

The Penang Story - Malaysia at its finest

The Penang Story - Malaysia at its finest

Malaysia stands out as a truly unique blend of cultures, foods, architecture and landscapes—a country teeming with the chaotic fusion of all things different, but unified. At the cultural heart of this fusion stands Georgetown, Penang. The Penang Story is the story of one flourishing city that can attract people from all walks of life, where each community can take pride in their heritage without demoralizing their neighbors, and where history is alive and tangible in the streets.

First World Problems—The Case of a Jaded Traveler

First World Problems—The Case of a Jaded Traveler

Despite long flights, natural disasters, expense, dangers and frustrations, travelers must travel. I realized this more than ever in a recent trip to the Philippines. On this trip my capacity for travel frustration was tested in almost every way, but I learned that with an open mind and a smile, sitting for four hours in Manila traffic or being bed ridden to dengue fever will have an upside—even if that upside comes in the most simple form.